Monday, August 23, 2010

The Journey To Find the Absolute Truth

Truth.  The ultimate, absolute truth, can not be explained.  It can only be experienced.  You can judge your spiritual experience by your emotions.  By how you feel.

The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You HaveBy probing with our emotions we become aware of certain things we either influence directly or indirectly.

What you believe true is true, though it may not be the absolute truth.  And now realized that there is an absolute truth, that governs everything.

Today we come to know some of these things -- the natural laws:  laws of gravity, electro-magnetics, light, sound, and more.  And found that if we bend these laws certain adverse effects or conditions happen.  So, we learn to abide by the laws and learn how to work with it in harmony, now we have electrical lights, electrical powered engines, ships, and the like.  We have improve our probing process and call it science.  We have science to help us find more of these laws.  By probing with theories and hypothesis to established facts (consideration of truth, until proven otherwise) and used these facts to build our stable data (theorems and axioms and scientific theory or scientific method) to arrived at the absolute truth.

So that we can live in harmony and peacefully with our surroundings.  And our progress will be smooth, fast and steady.  And we can see today how science has helped us in many ways.  It has help us improve our conditions for the better.  And more importantly it has helped us realized that facts we consider to be true today may not yet be the absolute truth, no matter how we build and based these truths.  (see scientific theory)

The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for BeliefWe can see many facts we consider may not be true.  Such as the world is flat.  Consider this public letter "Thoughts on Flashof Steve Jobs of Apple, on facts about flash and why it is not supported in iPhones, iPods and iPads.  Consider what you considered factual before and after reading it.  Here's one  article about Egg and Cholesterol - "Cholesterol and Eggs: How Many Eggs Can You Eat Per Day?".  Here is more:  "Top Ten Scientific Facts:  Evolution is False and Impossible", "Top 10 Fascinating Facts That Are Wrong", "False Facts You Thought Were True", "Bad Science and False Facts".  I believe there are more just by goolgling.  My question is, how do you consider what is fact or what is truth?

Thanks to science we can continue probing our statements of facts (results from scientific studies and the like) till we arrived at the absolute truth.  Or discard and continue if necessary; consider this "Science and Scientists".

The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical WisdomAnd we realize that our interaction with other people around us is governed by certain laws or principles that science can not yet give us absolute answers, although we instinctively know the answers are just around us to perceive.  And we come to know understand and realized these principles exists.  So we keep on and found things we can appreciate.  Our libraries today are filled with books in several viewpoints conveying some of these principles.  Principles of communication, business, human relationships, about creating wealth and many more.  About our origins?  We are just beginning to comprehend.

KJV/Amplified Parallel Bible, Large Print (King James Version)At one point in time man had these principles already in his heart and mind.  That whatever he does was always in accord and in harmony and prospers.  Because these principles are in his heart and mind.  Along the timeline man lost these principles and is no longer in the heart of man.

But the principles that governed us all are still there.

We live day by day blinded by our cares and worries.  We consider valuable.  We pursue these things by the wisdom we have gained.  In the process we discover that somethings we do work and some things do not.

I did not care about such things myself, at one point in time, in my life.

And even if we do not care we always come at a crossroad at some point in our lives and come to a realization that interests, happiness, joy, love, health, peace, harmony, serenity, wealth, enthusiasm can be had or experience by doing certain things in certain ways.

The Awakening (Norton Critical Editions)This realization is just the beginning of what is now called spiritual awakening.  For once we were blind but now we begin to see there is light.  And our journey to finding the truth, the absolute truth now begins.

The scientific method is among the greatest achievements of man.  And it has clearly served man well.  Today we are in the chasm of material things and the spiritual realm and the scientific method is not against or biased method to find answers we can build upon.  

Spiritual experience is hard to explain or can not be explained; only experienced.  How do you consider what is spiritually true?  
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

About Not-A-Guru

Make Your Dreams Bigger Than Your MemoriesNot-A-Guru is:

  • not a guru
  • not a pastor of any church
  • not a catholic priest
  • not a bishop
  • not a clergyman

Not-A-Guru just wants to share his Precious Gems of Thought, Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Wins, Realizations and more that he picks up along his life's journey.  From his own personal experience and what he had gained from other people's experience.  Recommends some reading materials and also write some reviews.

To some people Not-A-Guru is:

  • a son
  • a brother
  • a friend
  • a life coach
  • a minister
  • an educator
  • a preacher
  • a speaker
  • a nobody

AwarenessNot-A-Guru is just an ordinary individual with an extra-ordinary passion:  sharing practical philosophy and coaching practical tools that can help anyone who would receive them.  He respects every individual for what they believe in: their opinions, beliefs and faiths.  He has dreams bigger than life:  Making his world a little better one person at a time.

Not-A-Guru wants one to become aware that one has the power of choice.  The power to choose Life or Death; that every single moment of everyday one make choices, whether one is conscious about it or not.

Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality

That what one is today is largely the result of one's choices made yesterday.

That what one will become tomorrow will be largely the result of one's choices today.

That one would choose Life and not Death.

He is he.

Not-A-Guru can be reach at

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Truth of the matter: Scientific Fact?

True LiesWhat one believed to be true is true.  So, truth is relative.  Like reality.  It depends on who believes.  And again, education and upbringing plays an important role in one's beliefs.  It encompasses the material world and the spiritual realm.  "True Lies".

But there is an Absolute Truth.  In the material world absolute truth is established in the principles known as Natural Laws.  And the spiritual realm is governed with love, faith and hope.

And so about Fraud.  What one believed to be fraud is fraud.  Until proven otherwise.  False Truth?.

Allow me to be your spiritual guide for a moment to imagine that you are innocent.  You do not know fraud.  Now, let's begin.  As you continue to read, start to imagine.  Everything about you, is just true and perfect and you begin to give them a name and call them one by one by name, as a master; the objects you perceive:  touch, see, hear, smell, taste and you have established for yourself your own facts for the material world.  You now call, reality, for yourself.  And then you realize these things have their own certain peculiar characteristics and behave and responds to different stimulus in certain peculiar ways.  You then make judgments, considerations, decisions and conclusions you simply call facts.   These then you call some truths about the nature of these things and build your data.

First, you have established facts for yourself about these things in order to relate yourself with these things then you probe these facts and found out the true nature of these things and found how these things behave in certain ways, to finally found the natural laws about these things. The absolute truth.  Thus, build your stable data.

You also conclude that there may be more to be gained and learned more from these things than what has already been found.

And you begin to realize that things behave in certain ways and in harmony about other things around them.  And realize that there is a natural order of things.  We now call natural laws.

Then, you begin to move further and explore yourself.  And you come to know your desires.  There are things you want.  There are things you need.  And things you can not live without.  In the same way you probe on these things to find the natural behaviour of these things and how you respond to these things in certain ways.  To find the absolute truth.

Continue to imagine, you are still innocent.  You are made perfect.  Everything you do is perfect, and in accord and in harmony around things about you.

You continue to look around you and you see different kinds of animals and you find yourself alone and you begin to gather that there is more to living than just having all these things around you though in harmony.  You begin to enter the chasm between the material and spiritual realm.  You begin to investigate your feelings.  You recognized interest, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, love, joy, happiness, peace and serenity.

You look up to the sky, to the open space and you begin to wonder what is up there.  You soar up there and you feel free.  As a bird.  You look and wonder around, and have this eerie feeling that some eyes are looking at you.  You look around and do not see anything.  You close your eyes and feel the presence of somebody bigger than you.  Bigger than life and holding you up.  And you just know He is in charge of everything.

You shed tears with these realization.  You linger for a moment on this warm feeling of love, warmth and comfort.  Wipe your tears and look at the world below.  You see familiar faces and a warm tingly feeling warming you up.

As you continue to look at these faces you begin to understand some parts of yourself.  You recognize the look of love, respect, need, warm friendship and brotherly love.  And linger for a moment on these feeling.  Before you return to the present time.  You look around you to check and account your present surroundings.  You listen and observe how you feel.  Now you are satisfied you are back at present time.

What you have just envisioned in that brief moment could be facts or absolute truth.  Depending on what kind of data you have -- facts.  These are considerations -- things you consider.  We make considerations in the absence of absolute truth from stable data.  We use our stable data to make correct choices, decisions, judgments, conclusions and considerations we call facts and build more facts on it till we have stable data.

Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt YouWe realized for the most part we have build our facts on the material world.  We call scientific fact.  Which may or may not be absolute truth.  And we have to, in order to move on.  We have tamed gravity, electricity and now we are beginning to discover quantum physics and more.  In the spiritual world we have not yet, though we try to use science to help us with.  We call Psychology and Psychiatry and for the most part of it, we are successful in reducing man to a matter rather than a whole being, a living soul, a spiritual being.  For the most part of it, though we do not intend to ignore them, they are ignored, so it seemed.  By continuing to build on whatever facts we have gathered just so we can moved on.  And we moved with the flow not knowing where it leads.  Is it because it cannot be explained?  As it is said, it can only be experienced.  A few though, have awakened and strive to wake up others to see the light.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


"And a man is as sick as he will not act. That makes sense to you, doesn't it? He's as sick as he won't act, and he's as mediumly sick as he'll think about it.

"His feeling about action should be such that his computation is taken for granted and the action is sure, competent and certain. He says to himself, 'Act!' and he acts. And he acts with good sense, with a good estimation of effort, with good placement of his force and so on. He acts."

— L. Ron Hubbard

Excerpted from the lecture Illusion Processing and Therapy delivered in November 1952.

This lecture can be found in Volume 12 of the Research & Discovery Series on page 281.
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Spiritual Awakening

The World is experiencing a massive, collective spiritual awakening.  Evidenced by changes in laws & governments to be more open and friendly towards global integration.  Encouraging personal empowerment.

Governments that continue to be restrictive tends to become stagnant and risk falling behind in all areas of human progress:  In economics (the more obvious), education, information technology, wellness, entrepreneurship, group dynamics and social networking and social media, spirituality and spiritual awareness or consciousness.

Never in the history of man was information readily available in one's finger tips at a push of several buttons and keys in a computer keyboard, than today and is freely and readily available.

Man's hunger and thirst for truth has set the momentum at a growing and increasing pace.  To find the truth and set man free.  As it has been said:  "The truth shall set you free."

The collective consciousness of humankind is awakening to the absolute truth.

Will man embrace the truth?
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Sunday, August 8, 2010


Are there people who are lucky?  Do you believe in luck?  I ask a handful of friends these questions including myself.

It seems luck is happening to certain people.  If so, wouldn't it be nice if we know what kind of people?  Is it a certain race?  Creed or religion?  And why would I be interested?

I do not know what is luck.  I mean, I do not have an immediate answer when I ask myself this question.  So I look into myself and ask what have I learned from my past experiences about luck.

From my experience, I gathered luck is a favor to the undeserved.  Then, I came across few more words:  mercy, grace and favor.  I continue this line of inquiry about myself--couldn't be mercy, grace and favor for these can come from someone.  Can luck come from someone?  Grace can come from someone, but there is also someone bigger than life who can give us grace.  Can luck be a result of that grace from someone bigger than life?

Does luck happen to certain people?  Are certain people favored?  And I'm back to the question:  Why would I be interested in what it is?  And What is luck?

My friends' answers were:

You won the lottery.

You found 500 bucks on the way.

You won the game.

You got the most beautiful girl on the block.

You got the favorable situation.

Do you believe in luck?

And these are the answers I got:

Yes.  Of course, I do.

It depends on the situation.
I closed my eyes and ponder upon the questions:  How do I came to understand luck as I understood it now?  Am I right in my understanding?  What beliefs have I formed from my understanding of the word?  How is it shaping my  world?

By this simple inquiry I came to conclude that the belief or unbelief of luck plays an important part in our consciousness, and so are the words grace, mercy and favor.  And for the most part we carry it from the past experiences and bring it forward automatically--unconsciously.  And formed our new beliefs on top of existing beliefs we have already formed by it.

Now, I'm back to square one.  And I realize I didn't have clear understanding of what luck really is.  Everything I have learned about it are based from the past experience with the assumptions that it is true.  I have never really questioned the integrity of my sources until now and I have arrived at square one again.  So I decided to consult google.

This is what I got:

  • fortune: your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); "whatever my fortune may be"; "deserved a better fate"; "has a happy lot"; "the luck of the Irish"; "a victim of circumstances"; "success that was her portion"

  • an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another; "bad luck caused his downfall"; "we ran into each other by pure chance"

  • an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable outcome; "it was my good luck to be there"; "they say luck is a lady"; "it was as if fortune guided his hand"

  • Luck or fortuity is a belief in good or bad fortune in life caused by accident or chance, and attributed by some to reasons of faith or superstition, which happens beyond a person's control.

  • Now, if you ask me again.  Do I believe in luck?  My answer is a definite Yes.  I believe in luck.  I believe I am lucky.  I created luck.

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    An Arab student's email

    An Arab student sends an e-mail to his dad, saying:

    Dear Dad

    Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really
    like it here, but Dad, I am a bit ashamed to arrive
    at my college with my pure-gold Ferrari 599GTB
    when all my teachers and many fellow students
    travel by train.

    Your son, Nasser

    The next day, Nasser gets a reply to his e-mail
    from his dad:

    My dear loving son

    Twenty million US Dollar has just been transferred
    to your account. Please stop embarrassing us.

    Go and get yourself a train too.

    Love, your Dad

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    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Love At First Sight

    Yes.  I believe in love at first sight.  We were created to love.  We are capable to love.

    But love doesn't just happen by chance.  Love is a decision, a choice that we all make.  That decision is either auto or otherwise.  Conscious or not.  And basically influenced by our belief system.  Love at first sight is basically an auto-decision.

    We have created an ideal situation based on what we have experienced in the past, we do additions and subtractions, multiplications and divisions to visualize that ideal.  As time goes by we pile up beliefs, conclusions, decisions and judgements.  These influence the choice we make every single moment, that includes Love.  To love or not to love.

    We make automatic choices every moment and most of these choices we are not aware of.  And one of these is "Love At First Sight".

    Yes. Love at first sight Can happen.  And when two people at an instant decides to create a relationship, and keep at it, it will flourish.

    The keywords here are "create", "decides" and "keep on creating it".  A relationship cannot exist with just one person.

    And any relationship for this matter will flourish for as long as they both continue to "create" it.

    One person Can Love At First Sight without the other.  But for the relationship to flourish it needs two to tango.  If one person do not agree, there can be no relationship.

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    Thursday, August 5, 2010

    What is Love?

    Love is a deep emotional feeling.  And that feeling originates from one's decision, one's choice. That choice is influence from one's past.  Whether one is conscious about it (which is ideal) or not.

    We are capable of loving.  "Falling in love" is a term we use for luck of a better definition of the chemistry which resulted from the unconscious automatic decision of one based on a stimuli or trigger.  And "falling out of love" is a term we use when one is disillusioned and one then "chooses to stop creating" the love relationship anymore.

    Yes, Love is a feeling, a deep emotional feeling. That feeling doesn't just fall from the sky, or just happen by chance. It is created, by ones will.  It is the result of one's decision to love, governed by the power of choice, influenced and triggered by ones beliefs.

    Nobody falls out of love, but that term is very handy to use to justify that one has stopped creating it.  It is more acceptable to use because it frees one from being responsible of creating it--falling in and falling out.  But it also starts a vicious cycle of falling in and falling out, because of that simple justification.  Until one realizes that this feeling is a creation.

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    Does Love Hurt?

    My short answer is Love Cannot Hurt.

    When one loves someone, one creates happiness for the one being loved.

    When one is in a relationship and stops loving it follows also that happiness is not created anymore. So it hurts. It hurts because Love is not there anymore.

    One person already stops loving.

    When two people *create" a relationship, there is affinity in love there, there is understanding and love is reciprocated.

    The absence of understanding makes it hurt.

    It's like when you ask someone or talk to someone and you don't get an answer or a reply, a space is created.  In the relationship this space becomes bigger and bigger and separates a relationship, till one cannot occupy the same space with the same person any longer. and one just leave and go on to ask someone else so that one's question get an answer, and one don't get a big hurt by this.

    In a relationship there is a couple of sticky elements:  commitment & responsibility.  This is what makes it hurt.  Because this two elements get in the way when two people cannot come into agreement.

    Disagreement is basically the result of not understanding in common terms of what commitment is and what responsibility is. there must be a common understanding of what these are before two can agree.

    It is simple but it is not easy.

    What makes it difficult?  This word assume "ass-u-me".

    Two people have wonderful feelings towards each other and so "assume" (in the back of there minds, unconsciously, automatically, based on past experiences) that each of there ideas of commitment & responsibility is understood except that the question of "do we really have the same understanding?" is not really answered matter-of-fact yet, so an answer is "assumed".

    It does seem harmless but when two people just assume, there actions will speak louder and soon enough they will see their differences in their understanding about "commitment & responsibility" louder.  And soon find themselves making an "ass of each other" -- ass of u and me -- ass-u-me.

    Love cannot hurt.  When one is in a relationship and got hurt.  Perhaps, it was not love at all.  It was something else.

    But on the other hand, love has become a meaningless word.  Meaningless in a sense that not everyone know what love really is.

    Language today has evolved so fast especially the english language.  It is successfully exported to a number of countries and also picks up words from these countries.  Not only that, from which it originates, the meaning, the usage, the context, also evolved and continues to evolve.  And in any language it could mean a lot of different things.

    That when we ask what love is, we would get different answers, and some of these answers would conflict accross different groups, age, gender, race, creed, and the like.

    I love your picture, I love ice cream, I love you--whatever that means.

    Meaningless in a sense that even though we know what love means our actions doesn't show what love really is.  Because love is now camouflage.

    I love you, too.

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    Good Relationships Are Created

    Cover of "Making Love"Cover of Making Love
    Relationships are created by all parties involved, let's say a man and woman relationship -- is created by the man and the woman.

    That relationship started by a thought which defines how the relationship is going to be. That thought is defined by our wants, desires, likes and the likes... and been tainted with bad experiences firsthand, secondhand and thirdhand. That influenced our judgments, conclusions, considerations and decisions about how our relationship is going to be.

    My definition of Firsthand, Secondhand and Thirdhand:
    Firsthand experiences are what we went thru in life personally, that involves us directly. Secondhand is what we learned, felt and influenced thru our friends and neighbors and relatives, that we draw our own decisions, judgments, considerations and conclusions from for lack of a better one. Thirdhand is what we come to agree on what we see from all media surrounding us--TV, Internet, Radio, Magazines, The Papers, including this article without doing much computation whether this is in fact truthful or not.

    That first thought however is pure--meaning--all the perfect ideals that we want it to be. Untainted. But we come to this world by a relationship between a man and a woman, without which it would be impossible. This two people have formed an agreement (whether this is verbal, public, whatever, but the fact is, there is an agreement (consensus), otherwise they could not have been in a relationship) This agreement, however, is based on their judgments, conclusions, considerations and decisions. And this could be tainted. (I'm not saying it is right or wrong, because right or wrong is relative to what we agree.)

    So we evolved because what we agree and accept evolves and become the norm of society. And the majority leads and dictates. It is not uncommon to see fragments of society today. For example, we now have four genders; people who are politically neutral; and many more.

    The experience of one so expressed in any discussion may well represent a fraction of a segment in our society--meaning--there are a few people if not several who shares and agree with the same experience because they can relate to such experience. Man or woman their agreement to one's experience equates to their own reality. And so, thru this the experience is confirmed and will be recreated again, not necessarily by the same person but other people perceiving this experience and somehow triggers a desire, a want to experience the same, so the thought sparks, if it catches fire it will soon happen.

    Given that, our definition of a relationship determines the outcome. Because the definition is the sum total of what we desire, want, believe, judge, conclude, consider and decide.

    Therefore, if we can examine our desires, wants, beliefs, judgments, conclusions, considerations and decisions about relationships, we will become aware of what is ideal and we would always calculate to choose what is ideal. Because man and woman are basically good and will always do good for the betterment of the relationship.

    By examination, we can weed out what is not ideal and we hold on to what is ideal and pure.

    May our relationships be what we truly want and build conciously. Cheers!

    Thank you for indulging me.

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    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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