Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Truth of the matter: Scientific Fact?

True LiesWhat one believed to be true is true.  So, truth is relative.  Like reality.  It depends on who believes.  And again, education and upbringing plays an important role in one's beliefs.  It encompasses the material world and the spiritual realm.  "True Lies".

But there is an Absolute Truth.  In the material world absolute truth is established in the principles known as Natural Laws.  And the spiritual realm is governed with love, faith and hope.

And so about Fraud.  What one believed to be fraud is fraud.  Until proven otherwise.  False Truth?.

Allow me to be your spiritual guide for a moment to imagine that you are innocent.  You do not know fraud.  Now, let's begin.  As you continue to read, start to imagine.  Everything about you, is just true and perfect and you begin to give them a name and call them one by one by name, as a master; the objects you perceive:  touch, see, hear, smell, taste and you have established for yourself your own facts for the material world.  You now call, reality, for yourself.  And then you realize these things have their own certain peculiar characteristics and behave and responds to different stimulus in certain peculiar ways.  You then make judgments, considerations, decisions and conclusions you simply call facts.   These then you call some truths about the nature of these things and build your data.

First, you have established facts for yourself about these things in order to relate yourself with these things then you probe these facts and found out the true nature of these things and found how these things behave in certain ways, to finally found the natural laws about these things. The absolute truth.  Thus, build your stable data.

You also conclude that there may be more to be gained and learned more from these things than what has already been found.

And you begin to realize that things behave in certain ways and in harmony about other things around them.  And realize that there is a natural order of things.  We now call natural laws.

Then, you begin to move further and explore yourself.  And you come to know your desires.  There are things you want.  There are things you need.  And things you can not live without.  In the same way you probe on these things to find the natural behaviour of these things and how you respond to these things in certain ways.  To find the absolute truth.

Continue to imagine, you are still innocent.  You are made perfect.  Everything you do is perfect, and in accord and in harmony around things about you.

You continue to look around you and you see different kinds of animals and you find yourself alone and you begin to gather that there is more to living than just having all these things around you though in harmony.  You begin to enter the chasm between the material and spiritual realm.  You begin to investigate your feelings.  You recognized interest, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, love, joy, happiness, peace and serenity.

You look up to the sky, to the open space and you begin to wonder what is up there.  You soar up there and you feel free.  As a bird.  You look and wonder around, and have this eerie feeling that some eyes are looking at you.  You look around and do not see anything.  You close your eyes and feel the presence of somebody bigger than you.  Bigger than life and holding you up.  And you just know He is in charge of everything.

You shed tears with these realization.  You linger for a moment on this warm feeling of love, warmth and comfort.  Wipe your tears and look at the world below.  You see familiar faces and a warm tingly feeling warming you up.

As you continue to look at these faces you begin to understand some parts of yourself.  You recognize the look of love, respect, need, warm friendship and brotherly love.  And linger for a moment on these feeling.  Before you return to the present time.  You look around you to check and account your present surroundings.  You listen and observe how you feel.  Now you are satisfied you are back at present time.

What you have just envisioned in that brief moment could be facts or absolute truth.  Depending on what kind of data you have -- facts.  These are considerations -- things you consider.  We make considerations in the absence of absolute truth from stable data.  We use our stable data to make correct choices, decisions, judgments, conclusions and considerations we call facts and build more facts on it till we have stable data.

Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt YouWe realized for the most part we have build our facts on the material world.  We call scientific fact.  Which may or may not be absolute truth.  And we have to, in order to move on.  We have tamed gravity, electricity and now we are beginning to discover quantum physics and more.  In the spiritual world we have not yet, though we try to use science to help us with.  We call Psychology and Psychiatry and for the most part of it, we are successful in reducing man to a matter rather than a whole being, a living soul, a spiritual being.  For the most part of it, though we do not intend to ignore them, they are ignored, so it seemed.  By continuing to build on whatever facts we have gathered just so we can moved on.  And we moved with the flow not knowing where it leads.  Is it because it cannot be explained?  As it is said, it can only be experienced.  A few though, have awakened and strive to wake up others to see the light.

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